Call for Thesis and Dissertation Workshop Track

We are pleased to announce the first edition of the Thesis and Dissertation Workshop Track. This new track offers a unique opportunity for Ph.D. candidates to share their research with the SSTD community. Early-stage Ph.D. students can present their preliminary studies, receive feedback, and explore new research opportunities. For later-stage Ph.D. students, this track offers an opportunity to present their recent results and share their work with the community. Submissions will be evaluated based on the research stage: papers from early-stage students will be assessed on the originality and potential impact of their research directions, while papers from later-stage students will be evaluated primarily on their results and overall contributions to the field.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following in the context of spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal data.

  • Spatial Foundations
  • Spatial Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Analytics
  • Spatial Statistical Analysis
  • Data Management and Storage
  • Spatial Networks and Graphs
  • Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR)
  • Visualization and Interaction
  • Quality, Uncertainty, Fairness, and Privacy
  • Applications and Emerging Domains

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline (Thesis and Dissertation Workshop Track): May 18, 2025
Notification date: July 1, 2025
Camera-ready: July 15, 2025

All deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.

Submission Guidelines

Papers are limited to 4 pages, including the references. Submissions for the track should be made using the link choosing the SSTD2025 Theses and Dissertations workshop track.

Submissions should be formatted using the double-column ACM SIG Conference Proceedings template found at:

If you use Overleaf, you can access the ACM official template found at: This template requires switching the document class from "manuscript" to "sigconf" to ensure the required double-column format.

Submissions cannot have been or be submitted to another venue while being reviewed at SSTD and must have significant new content compared to previous publications.

The review process is single-blind: the reviewers are not identified, while author names are listed in the submission.

The fair use of AI tools is permitted and must comply with the ACM policies regarding AI tools in authorship and the peer-reviewing process. For more information, please see: and